Sunday, July 27, 2008

University Tour to Lake District, UK - Pt 1

Speechless...Nothing to say about....

Back from lake District around 7.30pm & took our lunch at a Chinese Restaurant nearby.

Huge pack dinner for me ---> Shechuan Duck Rice, it's spicy with lots of small green chili..OMG!!! too much spicy for me. Cost 4.50 pound.
I know.. the food was not well presented, the reason was not enough

The first impression before I went to Lake District was I thought it was a lake or a mountain for us to jungle track...and actually it was not but is a valley with shops, tall mountains & a huge lake...bla bla bla...
A good place for family to camp or look around.
Somehow there were places that makes me felt that the Mount Kinabalu, Mesilau etc in SABAH was better...sorry to say like that =P
It was difficult to explain by words but Lake District overall are beautiful with the huge lake, high mountain & valleys...
Meatball...The picture below reminds me of Krabi Island, Thailand. But with more mountains surrounded.

The conclusion for this trip was overall okay....
Places we went will be told in coming posts....Surprises coming soon~~


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