Receive my result from LJMU, Liverpool at last... Opened the envelope with a extreme heart beats (I'm scared about the result).
And from now onwards, I'm one of the BA (Hons) Commerce graduand. Finally, I'm graduated in the age on 22 years old in les than 2 months time...hahahha!!!! (^_^)V **claps**
One more external paper (corporate finance) to go, and I will be completely free for familiarising with those studies ingredients (in school/college/university, but doesn't mean that working didn't apply those, just not using those so much right? -at least can refers to some materials)
MT....MT....Put some energy/fuel in your coming up external paper examination... Don't be lazy anymore... You are wasting to much time already...
I will be leaving to KL next month for my Advanced Diploma convocation....
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