Sunday, June 29, 2008

Excited about Trip to York, UK

The scenery on the way to York was beautiful, just can't take my eyes of them... Can't sleep in the coach even I tried. Somehow, I just can't believe I'm actually in U.K.

Pic: Leaving on 8.oo am in the morning. Saw the coach behind? 2 coach send us to York (12pound)

Pic: Yellow Flower at the field beside.

Pic: Actually it's look better by eyes. I think it was a city.

Pic: The place where we rest a while.

Pic: Saw a lot of lamb along the way at the field and the valley.So cute.

Pic: Cow -where you can get fresh milk.
Pic: Horses. My friend told me that that was "UK's horses not Malaysia, not same one"
Pic :York houses.
Pic: Walking along the way with our Clubs And Society Coordinator and free & easy after we reach St. Leonard Street for washroom & hiking.
Pic: Tit bits
Pic: The Valley. Can't believe I can see such a beautiful place on the way back to Liverpool.

All of us was exhausted after the whole day trip. Our face was naturally blushed.

Pic: My classmates since studying in KL.


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