Sandakan, Sabah. 沙巴, 山打根。
- The Orang Utans behind -
Location :
Both located at Mile 14.
Both Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre and Lidung Sepilok located side by side.
Facebook :
Lindung Sepilok
Sepilok Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre
It's been ages since the last I went to Sepilok Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre. Basically, blurry memories that I once had since primary. So, we finally made the decision to have a visit to both rehabilitation centre and also Lindung Sepilok, which one of the reason to make me decide to visit Sandakan for short trip.
- Sepilok Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre -
We were lucky and unlucky to see only few Orang Utan at the centre, while didn't realised that there's a unit that covered with glasses and separate visitors from the Orang Utans, whereby we can watch the Orang Utans play around under the guidance of the care taker. So, we missed to see those babies Orang Utans as well.
The following would be what I have experience during the visit at the outdoor. Once, there were plenty of Orang Utans will appear during feeding time, but now... we can't see many as the jungle is not a closed area, but an open jungle. Sepilok is just middle of the whole jungle.
- Orang Utans -
Ain't they beautiful? There's a baby hugging its mother which was on the right!
While we were walking back to the exit, there's a wild young Orang Utans which walk just besides us! Well, it was quite worrying as they might snatch our belonging or maybe a slap to your face? hahaha :D
- The Time Table and Entrance Fee -
Reasonable and luckily we are just in time for it!
Visitors and especially those who appreciate the nature are in love with our Sabah nature. Do love and care your surrounding, instead of developing too much, the wild needs a home, or else after couple of years, our future generation will not be able to see what we saw today. :)
After the visiting, we went to Lindung Sepilok, which was the left building once exiting the Rehabilitation Centre's gate.
- Inside Lindung Sepilok -
I have received an email from Lindung Sepilok but in the end it doesn't have any reply anymore. About the details... nay... not going to share. Cut story short, I went there personally without notifying the person who contacted me, making myself not that rush with that prefixed time table. It's holiday anyway, right?
When I was there, I did email the person, but she is not around. I also understand that traveling from one place to another in Sandakan will be time consuming. :) And me and Mr. Hubs grab a drink and back to town for food again!
- Lindung Sepilok -
It was an eye opener atmosphere and design that Lindung Sepilok have inside and when you look outside the window, there's a lake. I love the design with the blend of nature inside and out. It just worth to have a look if we happened to visit Sepilok. :) Just to let you know that walk further down, there's a cafe as well!
About the drinks that we had, it's quite normal though and there's more space to improve! Once improved and that would be a great place to be for food and nature!
Location :
Both located at Mile 14.
Both Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre and Lidung Sepilok located side by side.
Facebook :
Lindung Sepilok
Sepilok Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre