Hainan, China - Part 8 - 琼台书院, 海口
Location :
8 Zhongshan Road, Qiongshan,
Haikou, Hainan.
Personally I love this place, all the calm and quiet surrounding suit us most.
琼台书院 (QiongTai ShuYuan)
Rain was drizzling and weather was cold, in other hand, we could even see the air blowing out from our mouth while we were having a conversation.
Now, let us see this college closely...
- The Entrance -
"琼台书院是海南著名的名胜古迹。琼台书院是海南省旅游涉外定点单位,也是海南省文物保护单位,它坐落在琼山市府城镇中山北路。相传是后人为纪念海南第一才子、明朝大学士邱浚而建。" - 百度 Baidu
Translation : "Hainan and Taiwan College (QiongTai ShuYuan) is one of the famous monument in Hainan. Hainan and Taiwan College is Hainan foreign tourist units and also known as Hainan cultural relics conservation units, which located in Qiongshan town, Zhongshan North Road. The place was built to commemorate the scholar Qui Ju of Ming Dynasty."
- Some of Us -
- Very Peaceful Surrounding -
- 搜书院 -
Part of the images that we could see at QiongTai ShuYuan, a story behind each of them.
- The authentic College -
The conserved building behind the block. Maintained the old furniture for us to see and touch?
A bit spooky, however to know a bit more about Hainanese culture would be essential of the generation after.
- Explanation by Our Tourist Guide -
- Living Room -
- Signature Pose at the Entrance -
- The Scholars of Hainan -
- The End -
That's all for what we saw from QionTai ShuYuan!
Next, to end the trip at Hainan and say HELLO to HK!
Location :
8 Zhongshan Road, Qiongshan,
Haikou, Hainan.