Taipei Part 7 - Xi Men Ding (西门町)- Modern Toilet (便所餐厅)
No wonder XiMenDing is a heaven for the youngsters, because of all kinds of interesting concept and themed restaurants and fashions that suits the lifestyle of current generation and no wonder it is also known as Taiwan's Shibuya. :)
And same goes to tourists like us, Ice Hippo proposed that she wanted to visit Modern Toilet in Xi Men Ding, we walked for a while and can't see any sign of the restaurant. In the end, we asked a sweet promoter for direction and yeap! We reached the restaurant!
- Modern Toilet (便所餐厅) -
Located few blocks away from the centre of XiMenDing, we passed by a tattoo street as well.
Meatball was giving that awkward face that she refused to eat those foods served with little toilet bowls and others. As for me, another time of awkward moment to eat with those utensils. Hmm....
FYI, toilet concept restaurant is not only can be found in Taiwan, but China, Hong Kong and Kuala Lumpur as well! My colleague told me that the one in China taste much better for it's ice blended.
- The Main Entrance -
- Cute corner for photography -
And this is where many of us who visited the restaurant will take photos here. =D
The restaurant is located upstairs.
- Adverts -
Indeed Modern Toilet have a lot of interesting things to take photos with. Anything that we can see in an actual washroom, we can see at the restaurant.
Hmm... Something that one of the Feng Shui Master said that it is bad Feng Shui to eat or drink with toilet bowls. Well... Anyway, I just felt neutral and awkward to be there, treat it as an eye opener for me perhaps.
So now, some pictures that we took at the restaurant!
- Bath tubs as table setting and toilet bowls as our seats -
- Some designs to spice up the bored bath tubs -
- Signature Ice Blended (香甜蜜桃)-
There was a "Swirled Shit" there, but the other side. (-_-) The wrong side to take photos. Do you know which swirled shit that I meant? Just like the one that we took photos which at the main entrance.
The ice blended tasted way too sweet with the sweetener and ice was roughly blended. We just finished the fruits and other ingredients.
- 冲绳黑糖红茶 @ NTD 100 and 玫瑰果粒茶 @ NTD 120 -
Toilet bowl and Men Bowl for drinks. Man... Both of the drinks taste SWEET!!! Too sweet for us.
- Cheese Sticks (Cheese 棒棒糖)@ NTD 120 -
I think this one was the most satisfied food we had. Just like the taste that we could imagine. CHEESY!
When we were there, we suppose to order one item (beverage or food) for per person that want to sit there, which some times I think it was a crap, because of the huge portion of ice blended and how are we suppose to finish it alone? =/
- Me and the Modern Toilet Sign -
A little bit of crazy pose to end our afternoon tea at our last station at XiMenDing.
We went for a walk at the shopping area and bump in to the promoter again and she asked us how was our meal at Modern Toilet. We wasn't satisfy with the food there and it doesn't worth to be there, frankly speaking we responded to her.
And guess what she told us? The food they served at Modern Toilet was being microwaved (most of it) before serving. And there goes our troll face to her. (lol) Oh well, at least we have been there.
We were rushing back to our rest house to meet with Doggy's Taiwanese friend to explore the local life in Taipei! In fact, it was another side of Taiwan that we have experienced. :)
Bye XiMenDing. :) Till we meet again some day.
Website :
Modern Toilet
Location :
2F, No 7, Lane 50, Xi-Ning South Road, Taipei Taiwan